What our graduates say

Roel de Bruin
Methodology Coach & Trainer
Den Hey-Acker
“SafePath is ‘a gentle nutcracker’ capable of cracking even the hardest nut. The method is about fulfilling basic needs and that affects people. We all have basic needs and when they are met, positive forces are released. The method cultivates the soft side without being ‘flaky.’ Justice is a pretty hard world where that wouldn’t work. SafePath is a tool for colleagues to reflect. A safe tool, moreover. Colleagues discover sides of themselves knowing that they also have healthy sides. The method invites you to be vulnerable, which I think is wonderful. In addition to getting to know themselves better, colleagues also get to know each other better. They see the meetings as ‘team-building’ and they like that, I find that so inspiring. SafePath not only makes colleagues look at themselves and each other differently but also at the youth. Previously, we only saw the behavior of a boy and not the pattern underneath. Now we look a layer deeper, at the needs. It’s a paradigm shift.”
“My colleagues and I at our faith-based addiction center took the SafePath training about three years ago. We are very enthusiastic about the results that we see. We learned a powerful language -‘Schema modes’- for describing the struggles of our patients, and our own struggles to work with them. In addition to evoking greater compassion in us, the training gave us concrete tools for interventions, such as how to set limits, provide support, and confront our patients empathically.”
Theodoor de Kraker
De Hoop GGZ
Jolita de Veth
Den Hey-Acker
“At the Individueel Traject Afdeling (ITA) we treat young adults with serious personality problems who cannot benefit from a group dynamic living and treatment climate. SafePath makes it possible for the team members to get a better view of the destructive patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that repeat themselves and the coping that result from the maladaptive modes of these youngsters. Furthermore, it also gives a better view of our own modes. This makes it easier to neutralize difficult behavior, which is necessary to shape the treatment of these very complex problems. Since our cooperation with SafePath Solutions we have noticed that the number of incidents has decreased, there is less disagreement within the team and that the team members are able to do their work with more energy and fun.”
“I had been training and coaching treatment teams for youth in Schema Therapy for several years, but Safe Path provided me with more continuity and enrichment. It is a great way to succesfully implement principles and techniques from Schema Therapy on a treatment unit, supporting staff to create a safe group climate.”
Marjolein van Wijk-Herbrink
Schema Therapist
OG Heldringstichting
Pieter Looymans
Methodology Coach
Den Hey-Acker
“SafePath creates a common language, according to Pieter: ‘Almost everyone can speak to it. Also many of our youth with mild intellectual disabilities. Colleagues find the SafePath method not only helpful and valuable but sometimes also a bit anxiety-provoking, certainly ‘limited reparenting’. This is an attachment technique in which colleagues try to provide some of what the client missed growing up, within acceptable boundaries and limits. In the world of justice, this is new. Now, we sometimes sit next to a young person, on the edge of his bed, and then we talk about difficult things. It is mainly the colleagues who find that anxiety-inducing, it’s about distance versus proximity. When is it functional to get close and when are you crossing boundaries? The warmth that SafePath offers is new in this world of the youth prison.”