Goals and benefits of SafePath for your organization

Our goal is to help your organization become independent in training and coaching your teams, to achieve and maintain a high quality of SafePath practice. It is a very cost-effective model, in that you develop the in-house expertise to train and coach your own teams, with outside support from us to whatever degree you wish. Sending a number of your colleagues to our train-the-trainers course to become the internal SafePath trainers/coaches for your organization has several advantages:

  • It saves you the expense of having to hire us every time you want to train a new team
  • Because there is always some staff turnover in teams, it gives you the ability to train incoming team members on an ad hoc basis, so that everyone in the team is trained in SafePath.
  • It gives you the ability to coach your own teams, providing them with the ongoing guidance and support that they need.
  • You can always send additional personnel to be trained in our train-the-trainers course, if you wish to expand your capacity to give SafePath to teams, or if any of your existing trainers/coaches need to be replaced.

We are always here to help you when you need us. We recommend having a free consultation with us prior to sending your personnel to be trained, to help you think through the issues involved in implementing SafePath in your organization. After your personnel has graduated from our program, we are glad to follow up to discuss any further implementation issues with you. We offer supervision to your graduates, as they start their new roles as trainers/coaches within your organization. Supervision is optional but recommended. Like any new skill set, growing into the role of trainer/coach benefits from time and experience. Giving your trainers/coaches feedback in small supervision groups of 3 to 5 people greatly enhances this “learning curve”. Generally, we give supervision every other week (approximately 20 sessions per year) over a period of one to two years. However, we are glad to work with you to adjust the frequency and duration of the supervision to meet the needs of your organization.

Costs of implementing SafePath

Most of the expenses of implementing SafePath are up-front costs: sending personnel to our train-the-trainers course, and purchasing sufficient iModes materials (e.g., sets of iModes cards) to train and coach the teams in your institution, and for use with your clients. We provide the rest of the materials that you need to implement SafePath free of charge: the training materials that your train-the-trainers graduates will need (e.g., slides, agendas), the trainer/coaches manual, and the workbook for teams. Further costs include supervision for your train-the-trainers graduates if you should choose it, and sending your graduates to a recertification day (i.e., an Advanced Train-the-Trainers course), which is required once every two years to maintain certification.


We are committed to maintaining a high standard of SafePath training. We certify the train-the-trainers graduates as SafePath Trainer/Coaches for a period of two years and offer recertification by taking advanced courses. We also certify the personnel in your teams who are trained in SafePath by your trainer/coaches. When they complete the Basic Training that they received within your organization, we certify them as SafePath Professionals. They can earn additional diplomas by participating in coaching sessions and booster days within your organization. In the future, we will offer them additional online courses to deepen their professional expertise.

Scheduling a consultation with us

If you are considering SafePath for your organization, please contact us for a free consultation with this link. We are glad to discuss the needs of your organization, and how SafePath might help to meet them. There are several practical considerations to discuss, including:

  • How many teams do you wish to train, and over what period of time?
  • How many clients reside on each unit (e.g., ward) to be trained?
  • How many personnel are in each team?

Based on the answers to these questions, we can discuss a few key points: how many of your personnel to send to the Train-the-Trainers course; how many sets of iModes cards you will need to train and coach your teams, and whether you should arrange for supervision for your train-the-trainers graduates. We can make a price offer for you based on these parameters.

Contact us to discuss the needs of your organization